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How Long Does Being Drunk Last? A Complete Guide to Alcohol Intoxication

How Long Does Being Drunk Last? A Complete Guide to Alcohol Intoxication

Did you have too much to drink last night?

Don't worry, click here for quick hangover recovery, or call 305-998-0047 to book a session for our mobile IV drip service.

Alcohol has a strong effect on the body and its functions. While small amounts of alcohol may not pose significant harm, many people want to avoid prolonged intoxication and the hangover that follows.

The duration of drunkenness varies depending on several factors, which we’ll explore in detail below. It's important to remember that alcohol affects everyone differently, so how long you stay drunk can vary from person to person.

Factors That Affect How Long You Stay Drunk

If you're looking to control how long you feel intoxicated, you'll need to consider variables unique to your body and take charge of your drinking habits and food consumption before going out. Let’s take a look at the key factors that influence how long alcohol will affect you.

Alcohol’s Duration of Action

Even though alcohol metabolism is relatively constant for people of the same weight, age, and gender, it's not possible to predict exactly how long you’ll feel drunk based solely on how much you drank. For instance, two people may have the same blood alcohol level (BAC), but their intoxication may differ because one person has more water in their body.

People of different weights or genders will also metabolize alcohol differently, which can affect how long they stay drunk.

For a quick recovery from the effects of alcohol, consider booking a hangover IV drip from Key Basis IV & Wellness, or call 305-998-0047 to get more information.

Factors That Affect the Length of Time You Stay Drunk:

1. Gender

Men and women metabolize alcohol differently because their body compositions are different. Women have a higher percentage of body fat, which retains alcohol, resulting in higher BAC and longer periods of intoxication compared to men who drink the same amount.

Additionally, women have less water in their bodies to dilute the alcohol and produce lower levels of the liver enzyme dehydrogenase, which helps metabolize alcohol more efficiently. This results in alcohol staying in a woman’s system longer than in a man’s.

2. Weight

The less you weigh, the quicker alcohol affects you. Alcohol diffuses throughout the body, so individuals with more body mass will experience a broader diffusion, leading to a lower BAC. On the other hand, lighter individuals reach higher BACs faster, get drunk quicker, and stay drunk longer.

If you want to shake off the effects of alcohol quickly, book a session or call 305-998-0047 to schedule a mobile IV drip service.

3. Age

As people age, they lose muscle mass, which is replaced by fat, and fat retains alcohol longer. As a result, older individuals often stay drunk longer per drink compared to when they were younger.

On the other hand, very young people with underdeveloped livers may experience a buildup of toxins in their bodies, which can cause longer periods of intoxication and more intense hangovers.

4. Metabolic Rate

Your body's metabolic rate, or the speed at which your liver breaks down alcohol, plays a crucial role in how long you stay drunk. Individuals with a higher enzyme count will metabolize alcohol more quickly, whereas those with lower enzyme levels will process alcohol more slowly, leading to extended drunkenness.

For faster recovery, book your mobile IV drip or call 305-998-0047 for a personalized service that comes directly to you.

5. Amount and Type of Food Consumed While Drinking

The food you eat while drinking can significantly impact how long you remain intoxicated. Eating foods rich in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, like unsweetened Greek yogurt, can slow down the absorption of alcohol, leading to a lower and more gradual BAC rise. Protein, in particular, digests slowly and helps buffer alcohol’s effects.

For those who need quick recovery after a night of drinking, book a hangover IV drip online with Key Basis IV & Wellness.

6. Medications

Certain medications can alter how your body metabolizes alcohol. Medications for conditions like colds, allergies, anxiety, and epilepsy can react negatively with alcohol, increasing the effects and slowing down metabolism. It’s always advisable to check with your doctor before drinking if you’re on any medications.

7. Liver Disease or Damage

If you have any form of liver disease or liver damage, even small amounts of alcohol can result in faster intoxication and a more prolonged hangover. Since the liver plays a critical role in processing alcohol, a damaged liver can lead to difficulties breaking down alcohol, leading to more extended periods of drunkenness.

8. The Speed at Which Alcohol Is Consumed

The faster you drink alcohol, the quicker it builds up in your bloodstream, overwhelming your liver's ability to metabolize it. This results in a higher BAC and longer periods of drunkenness. Taking breaks between drinks and pacing yourself can reduce these effects.

9. Type of Alcohol Consumed

Different types of alcohol have varying alcohol concentrations. Drinks with higher alcohol content will keep you drunk for longer periods. The amount of water you consume alongside alcohol can dilute BAC, but on average, it still takes about one hour for your body to metabolize 20 mg/dL of alcohol.

If you’ve had a long night, click here to book a hangover IV drip for quick hydration and recovery.

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System?

In general, it takes about six hours for the effects of alcohol to wear off. However, the hangover or detoxification phase can extend this period. On average, one drink leads to a BAC of 0.02. Since alcohol is metabolized at a rate of 0.016 per hour, even if you pace yourself with one drink per hour, alcohol may still accumulate, prolonging its effects.

Once you're intoxicated, your BAC must decrease, and the alcohol needs to be metabolized and excreted before its effects fully wear off. If you’re looking for fast recovery, consider booking a hangover IV drip to help alleviate the symptoms.

Can You Still Be Drunk After 24 Hours?

In extreme cases, a hangover can last for up to two days, but you won’t typically remain drunk for 24 hours. However, the morning or afternoon after heavy drinking can still leave you feeling less focused, irritable, and uncoordinated, commonly known as a hangover.

For those suffering from post-drinking sluggishness, book a hangover recovery session with Key Basis IV & Wellness, or call 305-998-0047 for immediate assistance.

Differences Between Men and Women in Alcohol Metabolism

As discussed earlier, men and women differ significantly in how they metabolize alcohol. Due to women’s higher body fat and lower enzyme production, they often remain drunk longer than men when drinking the same amount. This difference in metabolism is crucial to understanding why alcohol affects men and women differently.

What Causes the Behaviors and Feelings Associated with Drunkenness?

Alcohol affects the brain in various ways, causing many sensations and behaviors. Some of these effects may feel pleasant, while others are less enjoyable. Here are a few common feelings and behaviors you might experience after consuming alcohol:

  • Mental and Physical Relaxation: Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it slows brain activity, often leading to reduced stress and anxiety, making you feel more relaxed.

  • Feelings of Euphoria: Alcohol stimulates the release of dopamine and endorphins in the brain, leading to feelings of joy or excitement.

  • Lowered Inhibitions: Drinking alcohol increases GABA levels, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, resulting in a decrease in self-control and an increase in spontaneity or risk-taking behavior.

  • Heightened Emotions: Alcohol often amplifies emotions, causing mood swings or emotional outbursts. The increase in neurotransmitter production in the brain can make your emotions more extreme when you're intoxicated.

How Do You Sober Up Faster?

Contrary to popular belief, there’s no magic method to sober up quickly. The rate at which your body metabolizes alcohol remains constant, regardless of external factors. Though vomiting can remove unabsorbed alcohol from your stomach, it won't make you sober. Keeping hydrated and eating while drinking can help slow alcohol absorption and make your hangover less severe the next day.

For a faster recovery, consider booking an IV therapy session to help hydrate and restore your body after a night of heavy drinking.

What Foods Should You Eat When Drinking?

It’s always important to eat healthfully, but it becomes even more critical when you’re drinking alcohol. Eating the right foods before, during, and after drinking can help slow the absorption of alcohol and prevent a terrible hangover.

Foods to Eat Before Drinking:

  • Crackers: Easy on the stomach and packed with carbohydrates, crackers help slow alcohol absorption.

  • Oatmeal: This high-fiber food keeps you feeling full and can act as a buffer, absorbing alcohol in your stomach.

  • Bananas: Rich in potassium, bananas help balance electrolytes, which alcohol can deplete.

  • Unsweetened Greek Yogurt: Packed with protein, this food digests slowly and minimizes alcohol’s immediate effects.

Foods to Eat While Drinking:

  • Eggs: A great source of protein, eggs help slow down how fast your body absorbs alcohol.

  • Sweet Potatoes: Full of nutrients like vitamin A and potassium, sweet potatoes can help replenish what alcohol drains from your body.

  • Avocados: Rich in healthy fats, avocados can slow down the rate at which alcohol affects you.

  • Asparagus: This vegetable helps boost liver enzymes, aiding in the breakdown of alcohol in your system.

It’s a smart idea to eat these types of foods before and during drinking to prevent intoxication from hitting you too quickly and to reduce the intensity of a hangover the next day.

If you’re already feeling the effects and need quick recovery, book a mobile IV drip or call 305-998-0047 for fast hangover relief at your convenience.

What Happens if You Throw Up While Drunk? Does It Sober You Up?

Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of drinking too much alcohol. However, despite the popular myth, vomiting does not speed up sobriety. When you're drunk, the alcohol has already entered your bloodstream and is affecting your brain. Vomiting may remove any remaining alcohol in your stomach, preventing further absorption, but it won’t eliminate what’s already in your system.

Why Do You Feel Sick? When you drink too much alcohol, your liver has to break down acetaldehyde, a toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism. If you drink faster than your liver can metabolize the alcohol, acetaldehyde builds up, causing nausea. Once your body reaches its threshold for toxins, it triggers vomiting as a defense mechanism to expel what it can.

Does Vomiting Help? Although vomiting might make you feel temporarily better by removing toxins, it won’t make you sober. The alcohol in your bloodstream must be metabolized by your liver, which takes time.

If you’re feeling unwell and need fast recovery, book an IV drip online with Key Basis IV & Wellness or call 305-998-0047 to schedule a mobile IV therapy session.

Does Throwing Up Prevent a Hangover?

While throwing up may remove any undigested alcohol from your stomach, it won’t necessarily prevent a hangover. By the time vomiting starts, much of the alcohol has already entered your bloodstream. However, removing excess alcohol from your stomach could prevent your BAC from increasing further, potentially easing the severity of your hangover.

A more reliable way to prevent or reduce hangovers is to stay hydrated and eat well while drinking. Additionally, you can take preventative measures like booking a hangover IV therapy the morning after heavy drinking to replenish lost fluids and nutrients.

What Should You Do If a Drunk Person Falls Asleep?

If someone who is intoxicated has fallen asleep and is breathing normally, you can position them in a way that reduces the risk of choking if they vomit. The recommended position is to lay the person on their left side, with their left arm under their head like a pillow. Push their right knee forward to stabilize them. This position helps keep their airway clear.

Check their breathing periodically. If you notice gaps of more than 10 seconds between breaths, the person could be experiencing alcohol poisoning, which requires immediate medical attention.

Use the PUBS acronym to evaluate the condition of a drunk person who’s asleep:

  • Puking while passed out

  • Unresponsiveness to pinching or shaking

  • Breathing that is slow or shallow

  • Skin that is blue, cold, or clammy

If any of these symptoms appear, seek medical help right away.

If they’re showing milder signs of intoxication, call Key Basis IV at 305-998-0047 for mobile IV therapy to help them recover quickly.

How Can IV Fluid Bags Help Hangover Recovery?

IV fluid bags are one of the most effective ways to treat dehydration and replenish lost nutrients after a night of drinking. At Key Basis IV & Wellness, we offer Hangover IV Drip Therapy, which includes hydration with saline and a customized mix of essential nutrients to get your body back to feeling its best.

How IV Therapy Works:

  • Hydration: Saline in the IV provides instant hydration, helping combat the dehydrating effects of alcohol.

  • Nutrient Boost: Many hangover IV drips include B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, glutathione, and amino acids like L-Arginine and Glutamine to detoxify your liver and rejuvenate your body.

  • Over-the-Counter Medications: Some IV therapy packages include medications like anti-nausea and pain relievers to alleviate hangover symptoms. If you prefer to keep it natural, you can request an option without added medications.

IV Therapy is the Fastest Way to Rehydrate. Since alcohol is highly dehydrating, the quickest way to restore your body's hydration levels is through an IV drip. IV fluids bypass your digestive system and go directly into your bloodstream, making them much more effective than drinking water.

In addition to hydration, other nutrients are absorbed faster when delivered through an IV, allowing your body to recover more quickly. If you need to bounce back fast after a night of heavy drinking, consider booking an IV drip with Key Basis IV & Wellness, or call 305-998-0047 for mobile service.

Does Throwing Up After Drinking Sober You Up?

As mentioned before, throwing up doesn’t speed up the process of getting sober. Vomiting can prevent your body from absorbing more alcohol, but it won’t metabolize the alcohol already in your bloodstream. Once alcohol is in your system, only time will help you become sober again.

Why Does Vomiting Make You Feel Better Temporarily? After vomiting, your body releases adrenaline and endorphins, which give you a short burst of energy and may make you feel more awake. However, this effect doesn’t last long, and soon enough, you’ll return to a state of drunkenness.

If you’re feeling the aftereffects of a night out, book a hangover IV to feel better fast, or call 305-998-0047 to schedule mobile service right to your door.

Can You Do Anything to Sober Up Faster?

There are plenty of myths about how to sober up quickly, from drinking coffee to taking cold showers, but the truth is that nothing speeds up the body’s alcohol metabolism. Alcohol leaves your body through sweat, urine, and breath, but your liver must first metabolize it. This process takes time.

Tips to Help You Feel Better While You Wait:

  • Eat Food: Eating helps slow the absorption of alcohol, especially if you eat a meal rich in protein and carbs.

  • Drink Water: Staying hydrated can prevent the worst of alcohol's effects, but it won’t speed up the process of getting sober.

  • Rest: Give your body time to recover by resting in a safe environment.

For faster hangover relief, book an IV session at Key Basis IV & Wellness, or call 305-998-0047 to arrange for mobile IV therapy.


Drunkenness doesn’t last forever, but the duration varies depending on several factors like your gender, weight, age, and metabolic rate. While there’s no quick fix to get sober, you can take steps to minimize the effects of alcohol, such as eating well, staying hydrated, and pacing your drinking.

If you’re suffering from a hangover, book a hangover IV drip with Key Basis IV & Wellness to speed up your recovery, or call 305-998-0047 for mobile IV therapy delivered to your location in Miami.


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